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Organic Honduras GEA Coffee _ Out of Stock


Our GEA Organic Honduras SHG EPA Coffee is a well balanced speciality single origin Arabica with a smooth body and fruity acidity. Clean and sweet aromas with notes of caramel, almond, toffee, apple and apricot.

Produced by the 400+ women Gea farmers within the CAUFUL Cooperative (Cooperativea Agrícola Uníon y Fuerza) located in seven regions of Honduras in Central America. This coffee is produced entirely by women coffee farmers.

Honduras is renowned for its coffee production, with its favourable climate and altitude contributing to the growth of high-quality coffee beans.

Honduras Gea Organic coffee represents not only a high-quality coffee product but also a commitment to sustainability, gender equality, and social responsibility within the coffee industry.

Flavour notes: Caramel, almond, toffee, apple and apricot

Body: Smooth

Acidity: Fruity

Roast: Medium

Farm: GEA Producers, CAUFUL Co-op

Locations: Lempira, Ocotepeque, Intibuca, Copan, La Paz, El Paraiso, Comayagua

Arabica Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, IH90, Lempira

Altitude: 1100 - 1650 masl

Harvest: January - April 

Process: Fully Washed, Sun/Patio dried

Certification: Organic

About Gea Producers:

Gea (pronounced hay-uh) the goddess of the Earth in Greek mythology, serves as the inspiration for this regional blend created by Becamo, an exporter for Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG). Named to honour the determined spirit of women, this coffee is meticulously crafted from the crop produced by over 400 women.

These women producers, driven by various motivations such as the loss of a partner or migration, or simply a deep love for coffee, seize every opportunity that the coffee industry offers. They start their day before dawn, taking care of children, elders, and household chores, before venturing into the fields. Alongside their own pursuit, women support and uplift each other, assisting during harvest, providing guidance, and paying attention to meticulous details in the drying and milling process.

Women have demonstrated their exceptional ability to transform barren land into thriving coffee farms. By strategically planting timber and fruit trees alongside coffee crops, they enhance shade and soil moisture, fostering microclimates that contribute to the complexity and quality of the final cup. This coffee stands as a tribute to their remarkable efforts and achievements.

Many of the Gea producers are part of the CAUFUL cooperative and were part of
Becamo’s Recuperando mi Cafetal (RMC) program, which has since expanded and
become NKG Bloom.

RMC was founded in 2015 with the goal of helping coffee families recover from the rust epidemic. Initially, it connected producers with agronomists who shared best practices on plant nutrition, pest control, tissue management, and bio-fertilizer preparation. Now, through NKG Bloom, these services have been expanded to include financing options, market information, additional agronomy and business trainings, and other valuable benefits.


In 1975, a group of 228 coffee producers and their families, including 30 women producers, joined forces to form a coffee collective called Cooperativea Agrícola Uníon y Fuerza (CAUFUL). After gaining official recognition as a cooperative in 2002, they took the uncommon step of collectively purchasing a 40-manzana farm (roughly 70 acres) and managing it together.

CAUFUL currently consists of 146 active members who practice organic farming on individual plots of approximately 1.5 manzanas (approximately 2.5 acres) each. The group shares two de-pulpers and uses a combination of sun-drying and mechanical drying in a nearby town, with assistance from Becamo, in Honduras, in optimizing their sun-drying processes for enhanced flavour preservation.

CAUFUL is dedicated to continuously improving the quality of their coffee and recently underwent an extensive rejuvenation of the shared farm, involving extensive pruning and stumping to ensure productivity and cup quality in the long run. Despite being part of an aging community, the town has two schools, and efforts are being made to inspire younger generations to carry on the tradition of coffee production.

What is SHG coffee?

"SHG" typically stands for "Strictly High Grown." This term refers to coffee beans that are grown at higher altitudes, usually above 1,200 meters (around 3,900 feet) above sea level. Beans grown at higher altitudes tend to develop more complex flavors and aromas due to the slower maturation process and cooler temperatures. As a result, SHG coffee is often considered to be of higher quality compared to beans grown at lower elevations.

What is EP coffee?

"EP" stands for "European Preparation." This term is used to describe coffee beans that have been prepared and processed according to standards typically preferred by European buyers. EP beans are usually sorted and processed to ensure uniformity in size, shape, and quality. This can involve various stages of sorting, cleaning, and grading to remove defective or substandard beans. EP beans are often considered to be of higher quality and command premium prices in the market.

Sustainability: All of our coffee beans are traceable directly to the farm and the farmer. Our coffees are either Fairtrade Organic (FTO) or Rain Forest Alliance (RFA) certified, or grown as a collective or cooperative to assure a fair wage, investment in the community and good environmental practice. Our coffee bags are recyclable.

Why buy from us? Our award-winning, ethically sourced coffee is freshly hand roasted to order every week. Our aim is to retain the main characteristics of single origin Arabica beans and to enhance them with delicate roasting. All of our medium roast single origin Arabica coffee is suitable for espresso. Just choose Fine Grind or Whole Bean depending on your coffee machine or brewing method.

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